Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chinese New Year

For the first time in my working years, I had to experience the lion dancers visiting my workplace ---the office, today. After three days off work (due to the Chinese New Year hols), our office re-opened today. Hence, we welcome the Lunar year with a lion dance perfomance ;)

The lion --- entering our office

He's now placing the good luck coin on my desk --- he's so cute! ;)

Reaching for the "ang pow" and the lettuce!

The good luck coin that was placed on my desk ;)

Call me a small kid, but I can really get over-excited over this kinda thing, still ;)


  1. Wah! Best oh dapat tu lucky coin, hopefully bertambah2 prosperous la ni hehehee...

  2. Cutekannn to lion! Tapi kin takut cos pandai bubut orang! ;p Ya hopefully bertambah prosperous! ;D


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